If you have any questions at this time, please contact the Youth Enrichment Directors, Christina Ennis and Lindsay Socotch at (330) 724-1255, christinae@akronymca.org, or lindsays@akronymca.org.


*Please note that Before Care is ONLY offered at the Firestone Park YMCA for the schools listed in that row.

Betty Jane CLC

444 Darrow Road, Akron, OH 44305

Firestone Park YMCA

AM CARE: Firestone Park ELE, Voris, Glover, McEbright, David Hill

PM CARE: Firestone Park ELE, Glover, McEbright, David Hill

350 E Wilbeth Rd, Akron, OH 44301

Hatton CLC

1933 Baker Ave, Akron, OH 44312

King CLC

805 Memorial Pkwy, Akron, OH 44303

Rimer CLC

2370 Manchester Rd, Akron, OH 44314

Ritzman CLC

629 Canton Rd, Akron, OH 44312

Sam  Salem CLC

1222 W Waterloo Rd, Akron, OH 44314

Voris CLC

1885 Glenmount Ave, Akron, OH 44319

Windemere CLC

2283 Windemere Ave, Akron, OH 44312


  • Before Care Only - $75
  • After Care Only - $85
  • Before & After School Childcare - $110
  • $40 non-refundable registration fee per child
  • YMCA Members receive a discount!

Please complete a Registration Packet and email to christinae@akronymca.org or lindsays@akronymca.org to register.


Parents can drop-off students at the Firestone Park YMCA beginning at 6:30am for Before Care and students must be picked up by 6:00pm for the After Care program. If school is not in session, a fun day program will be offered at the branch.

At the schools, After Care will run from 2:30-6 PM.

The Firestone park YMCA offers Fun Days at the branch for when school is not in session, based on the Akron Public School District Calendar. Children will be able to participate in a multitude of activities. Registrations are done by paper sign up at the front desk of the Firestone Y. Please see the desk for details at your next visit!