As part of "lifting up the C" in the YMCA, we are proud to offer Good Friday services at several of our branch locations. Please view the details of each.
Green YMCA
3800 Massillon Road, Green
8:30 a.m. Service led by Pastor Rodney Tucker with light refreshments available
Kohl Family YMCA
477 East Market Street, Akron
10:30 a.m. Special Good Friday message from Rev. Shannon Blower, Director of Pastoral Services, SUMMA Health (Parking Gate will be up)
Lake Anna YMCA
500 West Hopocan, Barberton
8:00 a.m. Worship and Prayer with a continental breakfast
Riverfront YMCA
544 Broad Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls
7:30 a.m. Praise and Worship followed by light refreshments and fellowship with Pastor Paul Frerich's of Redeemer Lutheran Church and School