One Day Becoming Two, Then Three...
Diane Reed is now at her best weight since her 40’s! Former executive director at the Kohl Family YMCA, Michael Robinson, encouraged her to come to water aerobics. Before joining water aerobics, Diane had a fear of water! Both Michael and his wife participated in the class with Diane to help her overcome her fear. Despite being excited to join, Diane was inconsistent in her routine. This changed after she retired, she became fully committed to her health and started attending Mary’s classes 3 times a week!!! At that time, she wanted to get a knee replacement, but her doctor advised her to lose weight first.
Diane then increased her routine to include machines and Silver Sneakers classes, coming 5-6 days per week. With these changes, Diane has lost over 100 lbs. and reduced her BMI to 45. She exclaimed, “I have a waist!” She credits the Y for “Saving her life.” And now she mentors’ others to lead a healthier lifestyle. Her adage is, “Live for one day in terms of making healthy choices. One day becomes two, three, etc.”