Green Local Schools is partnering with the YMCA to offer school-age child care. Our programs allow for activity choice, and provide a well balanced curriculum that includes an afternoon snack, homework assistance, learning new skills, and play with peers to encourage positive social-emotional growth.

If you have any questions at this time, please contact Child Care Director Mady Ossman at mady0@akronymca.org or (330) 899-9622.


Greenwood Early Learning Center

2250 Graybill Rd, Uniontown, OH 44685

Green Primary School

2300 Graybill Rd, Uniontown, OH 44685

Green Intermediate School

1737 Steese Rd, Uniontown, OH 44685

WEEKLY FEES 2025-2026

  • Before Care Only - $70
  • After Care Only - $70
  • Before & After School Childcare - $90
  • $30 non-refundable registration fee per child

Please complete a Registration Packet and email to madyo@akronymca.org to register.


Parents can drop-off students at their school beginning at 6:30am and students must be picked-up by 6:30pm. Program will run any day that school is in session.

The Green Family YMCA also offers Fun Days when Green schools is not in session. Fun Days take place at the YMCA and are limited to 36 students. Only students who are enrolled in our BASE program are eligible for Fun Days. Please contact the Green Family YMCA to register.